COTECNA UKRAINE LIMITED laboratory is a leader in the Ukrainian testing industry, providing the widest range of testing services using state-of-the-art equipment, with a specialization in the agricultural and food industries.
Our laboratory provides comprehensive testing solutions, including:
-Pesticide Residue Analysis: Testing against a full European pesticide list.
-Non-GMO Verification: As an approved VLOG and Non-GMO Project partner, we help clients verify product integrity and build trust with consumers.
-Organic Product Testing: We offer tailored testing solutions for organic products, serving both domestic and European markets.
-Food Safety and Quality: Extensive testing for contaminants, microbiological parameters, and nutritional content.
At COTECNA UKRAINE LIMITED, we aim to empower trusted analytical services, ensuring compliance, safety, and market competitiveness. Our dedication to innovation and excellence positions us as a trusted partner for clients seeking world-class laboratory services.