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5 Ways the Non-GMO Project Protects Your Right to Choose

It's Non-GMO Month, an annual celebration of your right to choose whether or not to consume GMOs. As a mission-driven […]

5 Ways the Non-GMO Project Protects Your Right to Choose

It's Non-GMO Month, an annual celebration of your right to choose whether or not to consume GMOs. As a mission-driven […]

It's Non-GMO Month, an annual celebration of your right to choose whether or not to consume GMOs. As a mission-driven nonprofit organization, the Non-GMO Project is committed to protecting that right. 

Here are the top five ways the Butterfly is helping to build a stronger food system:

  1. Labeling — Are you one of the 89% of Americans who believe GMOs should be labeled clearly and consistently? So are we! Unfortunately, North America has yet to embrace reliable, comprehensive GMO labeling. We took it upon ourselves to offer an alternative: The Non-GMO Project Butterfly is a clear and meaningful label that indicates a product has met North America's most rigorous standard for GMO avoidance. The Non-GMO Project Standard, the guiding document for product verification, can be accessed online at any time, so you can find out precisely what the Butterfly label means. 
  1. Transparency — Everyone has the right to know what goes into their food. However, the labyrinthine supply chain that puts food in your local grocery store is so complex that, all too often, it's next to impossible to find out how a crop was grown or a product. This lack of transparency keeps shoppers in the dark. Non-GMO Project verification requires ingredient tracing and testing of major, high-risk ingredients to ensure they come from non-GMO sources. With every Verified product, the Butterfly shines more light onto the food system.
  1. Education — The GMO issue is complex, and the technology driving it is continually evolving. It's hard to keep up. As subject-matter-experts on how GMOs impact the food supply, the Non-GMO Project team provides the information you need to make an informed decision. Need to know which plant-based burger is made with GMOs? Looking for a dairy-free creamer without synbio ingredients? What does "precision fermentation" mean, anyway? We've got you covered. Follow us on social media to stay in the loop or explore the resources on our website.
  1. Monitoring — The Non-GMO Project employs a dedicated research team to track new products, developments and techniques in the biotechnology industry. That means we have our eyes on the big picture of the biotechnology industry, with insight into what's coming down the pipeline and what it means for you. For more information, sign up for our New GMO Alerts newsletter here by selecting "GMO News and Updates."
  1. Protecting organic — A robust and certified non-GMO supply chain helps protect the organic food supply by reducing contamination pressure. GMO contamination is a significant threat to organic producers. Pollen drift, volunteer seeds and contamination at processing facilities can transfer modified genetic material to non-GMO and organic crops and products, hurting organic producers whose contaminated products are rejected. Non-GMO systems help provide a buffer between conventional producers working with GMOs and the organic producers whose products are at risk. 

The non-GMO movement is a collective effort in which the Butterfly label helps shoppers avoid GMOs, and shoppers help to grow the non-GMO food supply. The movement grows because of your engagement and your support. 

The Non-GMO Project is a nonprofit organization that relies on donors like you to move our work forward. Join the Butterfly Alliance by donating today. Together, we can build a natural and sustainable food system for all.

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