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Resource Library

Non-GMO fine line food crop illustration

Our extensive digital resources can help you navigate the verification process. Browse verification guides, webinars and more to inform your decision-making.

< Resource Library

NBFDS: What Participants Need to Know

The National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (NBFDS) is a federal rule that was published by the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) in 2018. It requires some food manufacturers to place a “bioengineered food disclosure” on some food products that are made with genetically modified ingredients. This guide is meant to help Non-GMO Project Participants understand how the Non-GMO Project Standard interacts with the NBFDS.

Related Resources

Program Rules and Procedures

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Non-GMO Project Verification 101

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Verification for Co-Packers

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Technical Administrators and Non-GMO Project

Technical Administrators and the Non-GMO Project

Verification Guide for Brand Owners

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