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Who Is the Natural Shopper in 2024?

A research report from the Non-GMO Project

Who Is the Natural Shopper in 2024?

A research report from the Non-GMO Project
The Natural Shopper, a research report by Non-GMO Project

The Non-GMO Project shares the latest report on natural shoppers. Research from the U.S. and Canada delves into the evolving preferences surrounding natural products shoppers, emphasizing sustainability, integrity and health in the food system.

The report explores: 

  • The value of third-party certifications
  • Shoppers’ natural intuition, which balances optimism about science and technology
  • Generational trends, including the “greenest” Gen Z shoppers 
  • Interest in nutrient density and the role of the natural products industry 
  • The natural shopper growing younger and more expansive in their preferences

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