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Eurofins Genescan GmbH

Freiburg, Germany
Tests For
Canola, corn, soy, sugar beets, alfalfa (qualitative), cotton (qualitative), papaya (qualitative), summer squash (qualitative)

From the seed to the finished food—from farm to fork: Since 1993, Eurofins GeneScan provides high quality analytical services to the food production industry in the field of GMO testing: Seed breeders, traders, ingredient—and food manufacturers and retailers value our strict customer focus. As the competence centre for GMO testing of the Eurofins Group, uncompromised quality and fast results are key to our service. By delivering expertise and analytical excellence to our customers along the whole supply chain, we are setting standards in food and feed testing.

From the very beginning, Eurofins GeneScan plays a significant role in the development of new GMO detection methods. In addition to the development and validation of methods for our own laboratory and our broad range of kit products, Eurofins GeneScan offers contract development for different questions.

Maria Möhrle, Customer Service Manager
Engesser Str 4 D-79108 Freiburg, Germany
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